Healgoo granted by Guangdong Technological Innovation Fund Center for Technology-Based Medium and Small Enterprises
Healgoo advocates for the idea of telemedicine, especially giving the inappropriate distribution of eye care resources in China. Healgoo applied for Guangdong Technological Innovation Fund for Technology-Based Medium and Small Enterprises in 2014, held responsible for the “Ophthalmology telemedical system based on artificial intelligence recognition and cloud technology” project, and dedicated to build a system optimizing the eye care access. Through the endeavours of everyone who contributed to Healgoo along the way, “Ophthalmology telemedical system based on artificial intelligence recognition and cloud technology” project has been seen through and developed.
On 18th of June 2015, experts from Guangdong Technological Innovation Fund for Technology-Based Medium and Small Enterprises listened to the up-to-date project presentation, examined the intricacies of the project and had detailed discussions. By the end, the team of experts came to a satisfactory conclusion of the project and it was thereby granted.